About Vipond Ventures

Vipond Ventures focuses on 3 areas: investing, consulting, and philanthropy.


Our approach to investing consists of two strategies, (i) managed investment through our investment partners, and (ii) direct investments in private businesses.  Learn more about our investment strategy.


We offer finance and strategy consulting services to growing businesses. These services include outsourced CFO office, corporate development, strategic planning and more.  Contact us to learn about our consulting services.


Our philanthropy strategy is to focus on education, equality, poverty,  and the environment. 

Investment Partners

Vipond Ventures is a family office that works with investment partners to executive our investment strategy. Learn more about our investment strategy.

Asset Allocation

This is Vipond Ventures’ top level, long term strategic asset allocation.

On a consolidated basis the asset allocation is:

  • Public Equity (22%)
  • Fixed Income (18%)
  • Private Equity (22%)
  • Real Estate (22%)
  • Alternatives (13%)
  • Cash (3%)
asset allocation - asset class by investment

Philanthropy Partners

We work with leading charities to combat major global issues.  Learn more about our philanthropy strategy.

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